About a two months ago I got a Cannon T1i digital SLR camera to take pictures of my niece in-laws wedding. I wasn’t the photographer, but I took pictures all the way though it. I was getting some shots that the photographer was getting right after I would get them. But its been a great camera so far and takes some great pictures.
Here is a list of something I like about the camera:
- Great high quality pictures.
- Came with a good image stabilizing lens.
- Shoots 1080 video.
- Rechargeable battery pack.
- The focus on a person is relay nice. It has the person in focus and the back ground a little fuzzy.
- There are lots of things I have yet to understand.
Wile I don’t know how to use all of the things the camera can do I am looking forward to figuring them out as I play with it. I’ll get a few pictures I have taken up some time soon.
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