Halo CE and Halo 4 E3

More fun at E3 2011, they announced the new Halo 4 and the rebuild of Halo Combat Evolved (the original Halo). Looks sweet, but Halo 4 won’t be until the Holidays 2012 and Halo CE will be out Holidays 2011. Also its good to point out that Bungie is not developing these so I feel something is missing L but it will be good I’m sure they won’t let it be bad.

Here are both trailers have fun with them!

Assassin’s Creed Revelations E3 Trailer

E3 is starting and I just watched the Assassin’s Creed Revelations trailer and it looks like it will be very cool. Of course they put him in another imposable to live situation and from all you see it looks like he will. There seems to be some new moves shown in there also.

Since its on TobyGames Youtube channel that explains how he got a E3 pass from UbiSoft but below is the video!

The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle

The pay what you want game bundle is back, I got this last year with games like World of Goo, this year it looks good, but its a good way to get some cool games for what ever you think they are worth. Also you can add them to Steam so you don’t have to worry about updates or installing problems. What you pay goes to the developers, and or charity’s how ever you set it up. Go to http://www.humblebundle.com to get in on the fun.

Webluke Cast 2

Google, Black Ops, Power-Hook, and more in Episode 2 of the Webluke Cast. Better recording then last week so check out the stories below and download the podcast.

Samsung Galaxy Tab

Hulu Revenue

Color Comes to E Ink

Amazon Increases Kindle Royalties to Publishers

Google Instant Previews

Google Gives Free Wi-Fi For Holidays

Android Phone Solves Rubik’s Cube In 12.5 Seconds

Military Uses ‘Bat-Hook’ To Tap Power From Lines

Battlefield Play4Free

Call of Duty: Black Ops

GRC Domain Name Speed Benchmark

Savings & Support
Support Webluke Cast Wish List

Webluke Cast EP 1

Big stories to cover:

Hulu Plus opens up and should start showing up on more devices soon, for now it’s on Sony Playstation and some TVs.


Google Buzz settled with a $8.5 Million dollar fine that goes to privacy education. If you use gmail you should have gotten an email with a link to opt out of the settlement.


Skyfire for iOS came out then was taken down because of server overload. Mostly download because it converts flash video to HTML5 to view though iDevices.


Xbox 360 kinect came out with mix thoughts, $150 for new hard ware, has performance issues and doesn’t do faces very well. Some like it in games but only works in large areas.


Firesheep! Able to login as others using cookie jacking. Google Gmail fixed by going to SSL Facebook going to take months. Fix for some WIFI is to use WPA auth. Having a password on your WIFI is also good to keep other things out.


Download of the Week

Johns background switcher.


Android App of the Week


Podcast app for android from Google. Get it from the Market.

Recommended Media

Last Exile

New Game Releases

James Bond 007: Blood Stone
James Bond 007: GoldenEye 007 Classic Edition Hardware Bundle with Gold Wii Classic Controller Pro
Bunch of Kinect Games – Xbox 360

NS2 Alpha date set

Hello NS(2)Players!

This has been a big week for us.

We set the date for the NS2 Alpha for Monday, July 26th. If you’ve pre-ordered the Special Edition already, THANK YOU. Otherwise, if you want to be playing on Day 1, you’ll need to order it before then:


NOTE: After July 26th, we are discontinuing the Special Edition and black marine armor and will be increasing the price on the Standard Edition. We want to make sure our early adopters retain this distinction.

We also released some new screenshots and information about what to expect in the alpha:


Some of you played NS on Halloween night of 2002 and can remember how many changes the game went through in the weeks following. Day 1 of the NS2 Alpha will probably be a wild ride as well and we’re looking forward to getting your feedback and improving it quickly. NS had over 20 versions over many years and we expect to support NS2 for years as well.

As many of you know, we’ve been working hard for many years to get to this point and we hope you join us. We wouldn’t be here without your support – nor would we want to be.

-Charlie “Flayra” Cleveland and the NS2 Team

NS2 Engine Test released!

Hello everyone!

Today is a big milestone for Unknown Worlds: we’ve just released the NS2 “Engine Test” to everyone that has pre-ordered the game. This is the first version of the game and game engine that will allow you to run around on a couple small maps and fire the rifle at animated dummy targets.

This will help us test our technology to make sure we get it running smoothly on a wide variety of computers. Grab it now! (http://www.naturalselection2.com/download)

The first time you run it, you’ll need to enter your NS2 game key (sent after ordering the game). If you’ve lost your game key you can retrieve it here (http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/retrieve).

This release will also allow you to load up any map you build and run around it. Finally, enterprising mod-makers will also be able to start hacking around with the game script code that comes with it, although this is not meant as an official mod release.

We’re looking forward to your feedback (http://tinyurl.com/ns2feedback) and we hope you enjoy this firstlook at the cool technology behind the game!

-The NS2 Team

Lerk reveal and engine test starting

Hey guys!

We just released the first look at the new "Lerk" class in Natural Selection 2! Check out concepts, renders and a movie showing him in action (http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/news/2010/2/friday_update_lerk_reveal).

We also wanted to let you know we're starting engine testing with the people who have pre-ordered the Special Edition. This is not a demo or an alpha but is an engine test, meant to test graphics, networking, performance, compatibility, etc. It also includes the full scripting tools so coders can start experimenting.

Over 10,000 people pre-ordered Natural Selection 2. We don't want to be overwhelmed with bug reports so we're starting out small. Then we'll be growing it continuously as we hammer out issues and are ready to deploy it to a larger group. We'll be granting access to players in the order that they pre-ordered (http://www.naturalselection2.com/buy). We're also hard at work on the NS2 alpha – the results of this engine test will make sure it works great when we release the alpha to all the Special Edition pre-orderers.

You've been so kind as to support us and because of that we're still in business. We hope you understand our strategy. We're eager to get NS2 into everyone's hands as soon as possible!

-The NS2 Team