2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?

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15 seconds

On election night, on Nov. 3, an assortment of anomalies were observed, followed by a large number of specific allegations of election fraud. As the integrity of the election continued to be questioned and evidence continued to emerge, most mainstream media stuck to a one-sided narrative by calling the 2020 election the most secure in American history, and sought to silence opposing voices.


This is a great documentary of the investigation of the 2020 election fraud. Hosted by The Epoch Times, NTD, and Crossroads with Josh Philipp who goes through the sequence on election night, and the widespread reports from witnesses of the fraud. He then goes through the ties of voting systems to China and their plans to destroy America and shows the ties the democrats and Biden’s have to China. Closing with a call to ensure the elections are true and fair.

Watch on The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealing-america_3617562.html
Watch on NTD: https://www.ntd.com/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealing-america_540191.html
Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vbvwrv-2020-election-investigationwho-is-stealing-america.html?mref=913gb&mc=cq6gp

America's Forgotten

America’s Forgotten Documentary

Due to unintended consequences, America’s broken immigration system leaves a slew of victims in its rudderless wake.”

Namrata Singh Gujral America’s Forgotten Tagline

America’s Forgotten is a documentary following several people affected by the broken illegal immigration systems in the United States. It was started by a Democrat filmmaker who was expecting to produce a film showing there needs to be more illegal immigration. The director began to learn the negative side of illegal immigration and was faced with the decision to follow the facts or hide them by not finishing the film.

She takes you through stories from many walks of life with no political agenda. She shows you the cycle of money, power, and lies used to take people from their home country and put them into the United States. She then shows the consequences of illegal immigration. The truth hurts and is sad on many levels, but more illegal immigration only makes it worse.

Film maker in India finds the family of a girl who died with her mother trying to illegally enter the US that was used by Democrats to push for more illegal immigration, the family was well off and had land, large homes, and made plenty of money growing rice.

I was made aware of this film through a random video I was watching. After reading some of the director’s quotes, I found the trailer on the films Vimeo page at http://americasforgottenmovie.com/. Many news articles bring up the different groups that use people in other countries who are not suffering but are looking for monetary opportunities in the United States. Most of these trying to get in are not the ones suffering from extreme poverty or religious persecution, but those who can pay up to $50-75 thousand to be smuggled across the world and into the United States with the possibility of death or never finding work.

She shows Americans who have been affected by illegals in the country, many losing family members, veterans who have served and come home with PTSD with no opportunities. She talks to locals in other countries who say they have no interest in leaving their homes and families. When she showed, the Dal Lama explain to a reporter that the rich countries should try and help educate and then send people back to their homes to help their home country, leaving the reporter aghast was great to see.

Democratic Debate of support for giving illegals health care free used by smugglers to trick people looking to make money in the US to pay them to get help getting them in illegally.

This film works hard not to take a political side. But she talks about the benefits of building the border wall with Mexico for blocking illegal immigrants, drugs, and terrorists. She also talks about the dangers of AOC and the Squad’s stance of bringing in anyone with no checks and how their policies hurt Americans and the people coming in illegally. She even shows how the Democrats saying they will give illegals health care helps the smugglers trick people into paying them. She shows how Biden has flipped from protecting the borders to now wanting them gone and how his ideas she cannot vote for.

The film is an hour and a half, costing $10 to buy and $5 to rent. I bought it to support her purely because she chose to seek the truth and not hide in her preconceived bubble. We need more media who are willing to put the truth first and not the ideals. After watching it, I was glad to support her, too, because the film is touching while showing the reality that illegal immigration only helps the smugglers, big corporations, and politicians who support it.

America’s Forgotten Trailers

TAGLINE: Due to unintended consequences, America’s broken immigration system leaves a slew of victims in its rudderless wake.
SYNOPSIS: Shot around the world in the USA, India, Middle East, Mexico and Central America; America’s Forgotten reveals the staggering human and material cost of illegal immigration, from across the globe to the US. The film focuses on lost American jobs and wages, but especially American lives lost, because of illegal immigration. 
The documentary, directed by award winning filmmaker Namrata Singh Gujral explores death, torture and hardship surrounding illegal immigration in the U.S., a topic so sensitive, especially in Hollywood, that the film contains the following disclaimer: “Due to the possible political backlash all credits have been voluntarily withheld by the crew of this film.”
HOW: Streaming | On Demand
*Find list of platforms at www.AmericasForgottenMovie.com (www.America’sForgottenMovie.com)
WHERE: USA & Canada
Directed by: Namrata Singh Gujral
Hashtag: #AmericasForgotten

Trump 2020 Crain

Biden vs. Trump Signs Show Different Than the Polls

There are no Biden signs in Western Colorado. But it is hard not to go just a few houses and see something Trump or one of the younger candidates with similar views. Things like Family, Faith, Second Amendment, Rule of Law, Small Business, or School Choice.

Now this is no scientific poll or even a sizeable geographic sample set. But where are all the Biden supporters at? If polling is correct, I should see at least some Biden signs. Western Colorado usually is split Democrat and Republican. Are people ashamed to even support Biden?

Back in 2016, you would see Clinton stickers on cars and Trump stickers big trucks. More people were scared to show support for Trump. This was because many were being attacked, harassed, or even fired from their jobs. These attacks still seem to be going on, but many people are not hiding their support for Trump.

Edit: Found this video funny and related so adding it in 😀

Now in 2020, I see hundreds of yard signs, bumper stickers, flags, masks, and hats for Trump. People are not ashamed or scared of the mob. The attacks did not work and only made people stronger.

So, we are told that Biden has more than 50% support from the media. But are they lying, or is it just an attempt to drive political ad sales? The presidential election cycle is a big moneymaker for the media. Think of the hundreds of millions donated and the massive ad buys. Big Tech, Media, and anyone else wants in on that money.

I do not think Biden voters are real supporters. These are people voting for him because they hate Trump. The Democrats gave them no real option other than him. They will hold their nose and gulp down a hefty dose of Biden if it could only make Trump go away.

Now I do not get this just from signs. In a chat I had in a game recently, a group of progressive people admitted that they do not even like Biden. They talked about how Biden was even responsible for many of the laws they disagree with within the realm of race and police. But they said they are still voting for Biden because they cannot admit Trump is not all as bad as the media makes him out to be. Let us not give them too much credit because they struggled to understand the fact that all life should matter, not just one race should matter.

Last year I did see a lot of support for Bernie. Those signs remained out for a few months after he dropped out even. This was more of an isolated area of town in the hippier areas. I think the same people made a “political candidates” board and had a lot of Bernie stuff and a few little posters with Biden and Trumps was bigger even.

So, in conclusion, Trump voters are out in force and not afraid to show it with signs. Biden voters do not seem to want to admit it or show it. I keep an American Flag out front because I do not want to be targeted either way in my home. I hope both parties can work together to get things done that help the citizens they are representing.

Update: I have seen my first Biden bumper sticker yesterday. And it almost makes up for its self. The driver was performing an illegal U-Turn on a road with medians with no turn lain so blocking my lane. To make it better it was some small SUV Subaru type vehicle so it looked even more lame flipping around illegally, probably missing their turn not knowing where to go or they could have gone 500 more feet to a legal area to turn back.