Wow my Nexus One Car Dock and Desktop Dock are finally shipping. I’m kind of surprised since they weren’t supposed to ship until the end of November. I was so taken away also because when I was trying to get them shipped to my new address but couldn’t because I use our credit card that isn’t in my name so I couldn’t do it because my name wasn’t on the order, lame. But a day later I was looking over my emails and saw that it all had shipped! I’m not sure if the order got fixed and then sent out because I called or if they just finally got the stuff in. But any way I will have to stop by my old address after it gets delivered on what looks like Monday.
So when I get the Docks in I’ll have to put up some pictures of how they are shipped, the ones from Google where in nice boxes (that I’m not sure if they got tossed or not in the move) so it would be nice if they are in the same type of packaging.