Battlefield 3: Operation Metro Map E3 Trailer

Looks like EA has a new Battlefield coming out, Battlefield 3. From the trailer at E3 2011 it looks like it will be a modern city battles rather than some of the older open field battles. This should help keep players fighting each other and not just wondering around looking for that one good sniper kill. This new shooter will have big compotation with the new Call of Duty game coming out this winter also.

After looking at it some more this trailer is just one map but it’s still cool, if this is going to be the multiplayer game play!


Tomb Raider E3 Trailer

Tomb Raider on Xbox looks like it should be fun, and the trailer has lots of hot wet shots of Lara Croft to help you want to play it! Just hope it’s not a bunch of jumping back and forth and killing tigers like the original game was. Looks like this will be on all the big systems too so that’s cool, GO PC!

Halo CE and Halo 4 E3

More fun at E3 2011, they announced the new Halo 4 and the rebuild of Halo Combat Evolved (the original Halo). Looks sweet, but Halo 4 won’t be until the Holidays 2012 and Halo CE will be out Holidays 2011. Also its good to point out that Bungie is not developing these so I feel something is missing L but it will be good I’m sure they won’t let it be bad.

Here are both trailers have fun with them!