Apple September 2020 Product Update

Just a few years ago, I would not care all that much about the latest Apple Update. But now that I have a selection of their products based on the company, I used to work for having almost everything they could Apple. I switched / was given a few devices, and now I am happy with Apple.

Now that that is out of the way, Apple had an update of mostly “consumer products. These are the Watch 6, Watch SE, iPad Air, iPad, Fitness+, and Apple One. No phone, no laptops, no proline, and not all that much changed.

Apple Watch 6
Apple Watch 6

Watch 6 is more or less a processer update, with a new oxygen sensor and the regular software update. There was some mention of a brighter display but nothing on battery life. They did take the hardware of the Watch 3 and added a few updates and slapped Watch SE on it. Watch 4 is discontinued but not Watch 3 for whatever reason also. I have the Watch 4, the beta worked just fine, and I do not see a reason to update for at least another year.

Apple Watch SE
Apple Watch SE

The Family Setup for Watch is nice if you have kids, but it needs a separate data plan. It looks like you can do it on the GPS version. This also does not work with older models. I just got my kids some Garmin bands, and they seem happy with them without running around with an expensive watch on a younger kid. My wife might want one if we were to get on board with the Fitness+ because it is required to have a Watch.

Apple Fitness+
Apple Fitness+

So, about Fitness+, it seems to be a workout video service that takes real-time data from the watch and combines it into the videos to help you work out better. It does require an Apple Watch and another Apple screen to play like an iPad, iPhone, or Apple TV. The price is a little high at $9.99, but there are ways to make it less, and with governments keeping gyms close, those types of people are happy to move their money into this. There should be different workouts that do need equipment but its cool for workout people.

Apple iPad Air 2020
Apple iPad Air

Moving along to the iPad Air, it gets a new processer and some new colors. The fingerprint reader is now in the power button, and the second generation Pencell works with this one along with a new style folio keyboard. With USB-C it but not as good of a screen, it would be hard to justify the iPad Pro 11 inch over this for most people.

Apple iPad 8th Generation
Apple iPad 8th Generation

The standard iPad also got updated with an updated processer, and that is all. The price is fair if you want a solid tablet. I learned that after going thought several Android tablets with myself and my kids. But this update is not anything significant. It is just the new one you want to get if you were getting another one. Even the price is the same.

Apple One Services
Apple One

Finally, Apple One. The Apple subscription bundle service. This seems right for a family because you get Music, Arcade, storage space, and TV for five people for $20 a month. That storage is shared, and TV is useless in my experience. I would like to see some of these services get better but meh. If my entire family were all on Apple devices, I would jump at it, but Spotify family plan is still okay, I don’t use iCloud for anything, and the kids do use Arcade for games sometimes. If you jump up to $30 a month, it includes the Fitness+ and News+, so you’re getting News+ for free at that point plus 2TB of storage, so it is good if your family is already invested.

Apple Recap September 2020

This update does not have me running out, wait we cannot do that, clicking buy on their website because I am okay with what I have, not being the Apple fanboy that needs the newest thing. If you want the most recent, the only thing I see most of them getting is a Watch 6 and Apple One subscription with Fitness+ rolled together to save a few bucks and have the workouts. I read one comment on a video about this, and it was making fun of Apple saying something along the lines of “Tim Cook: Guys we are out of ideas, what do we do” then the reply “Let’s make more watch band colors.” Obviously, this is not the most significant update this time. New iPhones and AirPods, along with laptops, will get people excited. I do not think the lack of updates has too much to do with COVID, as most of these people sit at desks looking at computers designing things already, moving to use FaceTime more shouldn’t have limited their work.

Laptop with Screen and Code

Do you need a laptop still?

I question some times after having an iPad with the keyboard and using it for almost all of my fieldwork doing IT support and Network Management. The systems we used ether had useful apps or were almost fully web-based. It was also effortless to pack the iPad with a cellular data connection no matter where I was going.

But it the question gets more challenging when you need to do work on older technologies and systems that still don’t get that most people live in a web browser and apps. Phone systems, old routers, servers, or things that need more coding. That’s where you need a laptop when in the field.

I could argue that if you have a desktop system, you could get away with just the iPad if you worked with modern equipment. But if you need a desktop for work, why not only have the laptop with a dock and nice monitors. It gets complicated, right.

I will have to say my setup as a small IT support and Managed Network technician I need it all. My home desktop is what I use to provide support for my clients, configure systems and servers, develop code for websites and software, and use for entertainment such as videos and games when not working. Now my laptop is useful for on-site doing work on the older equipment, network scanning, and things I need a good keyboard for. The tablet seems to tie everything together, now more than when I was working with others. The there systems make it so I can do work in any setting.

While my laptop is aging because it hasn’t been used much, I have kept it update and upgrade. It leaves me saying, “wow, it still works great” and not having a justification for a replacement. When I got it for school 7 years ago, I made sure I was getting something good, but never thought it would have worked out this long.

So my advice would be to get a reliable laptop you can do everything your work or entertainment needs can afford. If you do need a desktop, you may still need a laptop to meet your mobile needs. Finally, an iPad or tablet can be much more useful for work than just entertainment.

Another note about laptops is that many workplaces no longer get desktops, just USB 3.0 docks with monitors and a laptop. It makes even more sense to do this so your workers can be remote at any time with all of their systems and files. Also, don’t cheap out on computers. They are tools for your employees you are paying a lot of money to, which makes it possible for them to do the job you ask of them.

Anyway, this was some thoughts on laptops. I hope to keep doing these types of posts on this site. If you need help with your network or IT systems or even new laptops, check out my IT business at Grand Junction Computers.

CES 2012 Pre-Thoughts

CES is coming for 2012 and I like to see what comes from the show. Last year it was all about 3D TVs and Android Tablets. This year it looks like tablets and apps on TVs will be some of the big things. I’m sure they will have more 3D TV but some without glasses but I don’t care because I can’t see the 3D.

Android Tablets were big last year but the ones that did come out in 2011 were flops and the main reason was that they were trying to do the old computer trick of having spec wars and charging too much. The iPad dose so good because it is not that expensive and is somewhat of a good device that has a sexy or prestige factor that the Android tablets lack because of marketing by Apple.

If they can make new tablets with Android 4.0 that are good specs and don’t cost over $500-600 then they may work out but if they want to sell lots they need to have it be good spec, Android 4.0 and cost less than $350.

As for the TVs with apps, it looks like they will be running Google TV aka Android TV, but the mistake that the companies are going to make is putting skins on them, they need to look and feel the same. Also Google and the TV companies will need to make deals to get the content producers to make apps to put their content on the system.

With Microsoft also pulling out I don’t see much coming from them, probably some new looks at Windows 8 and a recap of the new video options on Xbox 360. And I’m sure Sony and Nintendo will save most of their big things for games for E3 were I’m sure Microsoft will still have a big setup to pimp there Xbox stuff.

This year I will probably keep looking over some of the blog sites, and check out they have the most raw unorganized look from the floor as if you were there. CNet has some good stuff but it is more organized and almost too setup only with big names.

Old pic of a computer screen

Here is a picture from my online classes in a lesson about listening. In the picture the old guy is telling the young guy something. Here is what I think they were saying…

“Hay Bob do you like my tie that matches my spenders?”

“You know Frank it looks old and lame like you”

“Bob what looks lame is the crappy 10 inch screen you got going on here, I mean wow it can only do green colors. O and your black tie sucks.”

“At least it’s not an iPad and I can do more then what someone else things I can do on it Frank.”

“Good point, get back to work Bob.”

Ya I added in some stuff at the end there as I was writing this 😀