Well I watched the Apple iPod update tonight and I have to say I was very disappointed. Not that I like Apple products that much to begin with. But first the good stuff.
The iPods, they looked better than the last one like they always do, but there is nothing new about them except that nano version with the touch screen. The screen on a small device is cool but I have had a few iPod nanos and they were nice to just put in your pocket and play stuff, adding a touch screen makes it more complex and doesn’t make it any better. Adding recording video to the iPod Touch is cool and I wouldn’t mind one since it’s not an iPhone, but I would rather spend my money on an Android small tablet like one of the 7 inch ones that are coming out.
iTunes update not much to say but o look they changed the icon since they never sold CDs there they thought to take that out. Must have been one of those great ideas Steve had. And other than the cover where the name of the album was is something that Windows Media Player had for a long time great idea stolen again. Almost forgot this but they added Twitter into iTunes but you can’t do anything but use it in iTunes another rip-off.
Finally they rebuilt the Apple TV to be well a Roku device with some of the extra stuff and they make more money off of the stuff you rent. Ok well they do have a very few differences, such as YouTube, and playing stuff from your device but that’s not that cool unless you have been keeping up on getting the new Apple devices. This is one of those things you even look at and say “wow that looks and sounds just like a Roku and I have had mine for over 2 years!”
So to sum up the Apple stuff for this month so we can stop talking about it. New iPods, little changes in iTunes, and a rip-off of the Ruko and it will be out soon all ready for the holidays! You can just tell how excited I am.