Carbonite Pop Up Ad WTH

Carbonite pop up ad
Carbonite pop up ad

What the heck Carbonite! When did Carbonite think it was a good idea to start putting pop up ads on people computers who are paying for a service already! I got your stupid email already and I didn’t want it so I didn’t sign up for this service, but now you are putting pop ups on my system. This kind of think will make people jump ship from your service real fast.

Yes I like the service and I understand you want to tell people you have other levels of service but it goes back to the days of adware and scams like that to start this crap. I was ok with the emails once in a while saying you have other services and I listen to the ads on TWiT.TV but I don’t want crap popping up on my computer.

Please stop those ads, and thanks for the service I do have I like how well it works and want to stay in my current plan!

CES 2012 Pre-Thoughts

CES is coming for 2012 and I like to see what comes from the show. Last year it was all about 3D TVs and Android Tablets. This year it looks like tablets and apps on TVs will be some of the big things. I’m sure they will have more 3D TV but some without glasses but I don’t care because I can’t see the 3D.

Android Tablets were big last year but the ones that did come out in 2011 were flops and the main reason was that they were trying to do the old computer trick of having spec wars and charging too much. The iPad dose so good because it is not that expensive and is somewhat of a good device that has a sexy or prestige factor that the Android tablets lack because of marketing by Apple.

If they can make new tablets with Android 4.0 that are good specs and don’t cost over $500-600 then they may work out but if they want to sell lots they need to have it be good spec, Android 4.0 and cost less than $350.

As for the TVs with apps, it looks like they will be running Google TV aka Android TV, but the mistake that the companies are going to make is putting skins on them, they need to look and feel the same. Also Google and the TV companies will need to make deals to get the content producers to make apps to put their content on the system.

With Microsoft also pulling out I don’t see much coming from them, probably some new looks at Windows 8 and a recap of the new video options on Xbox 360. And I’m sure Sony and Nintendo will save most of their big things for games for E3 were I’m sure Microsoft will still have a big setup to pimp there Xbox stuff.

This year I will probably keep looking over some of the blog sites, and check out they have the most raw unorganized look from the floor as if you were there. CNet has some good stuff but it is more organized and almost too setup only with big names.

Google Galaxy Nexus

Google and Samsung just announced a few days ago there new Galaxy Nexus phone and Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich! From the demos of new features and how slick the hardware is its making me want one of these new phones. There are some things that bugged people such as the name is backwards to the other Nexus phones out (Nexus One, Nexus S) but meeh not that big of a problem.

There was a few problems with the demos but things like voice dictation worked good but the guy tried doing it too fast and it had the first word wrong. Also the face unlock didn’t work but that could have been other things.

But as for new things such as the fonts, task switching, camera app, menu buttons, and power of the phone I can’t wait for this. You can get some info about it on the Google site  ( ) or check out the YouTube video in this post. Also Twit.TV did some good commentary along with the announcement video check it out at ( )

They did not have full specs of the phone or what cell phone companies in the USA would have it, but it sounds like there will be one for CDMA companies (Sprint and Verizon) and a HSPA+ version (T-Mobile, ATT&T, almost every other cell company around the world) But they did say it would have a desktop dock like the Nexus One, this is something I use every day with my Nexus One still.

Can’t wait hope it won’t cost too much and I can get one on T-Mobile unless someone wants to give me a hook up 😀

Webluke Cast 4 – CES 2011 #2

More talk about CES 2011 and the stuff that I have seen covered from the show. I also talk over the gdgt email list of new stuff from the show. Also some talk about Twit.TV and Hak5’s findings. Checkout links below and as always help support the show from the Support & Savings link above.

GDGT Latest Finds

CES 2011 – Customizable gaming – Hak5 Video

Twit.TV Live