Reflecting on the Past few months of

tumblr_md39piSaRR1rk9vano1_r1_500A few months ago I started technology blog website, and started to build out content. The problem is during the past few weeks I seem to have neglected the site a bit and my traffic is showing that. When I started it I didn’t expect to get crazy amounts of people going there each day but things were looking good as far as no real promotion other than just wringing articles and some free Facebook ads that didn’t bring anyone to the site. It was fun to read though the list of announcements and find ones that I found interesting, then put together an article about the product or service. Problem was when I had other things take some of my time and there was a slow or lame bunch of news for a week I lost a lot of interest.

The site isn’t dead but it seems that way based on traffic numbers, and number of new posts. That brings me to one problem, most of my content was only relevant for a few weeks and then it’s just old news. I’m sure that is what the big sites have problems with also, that’s why they have so many of those filler posts that are tutorials or things that aren’t news but just fun to read things. I was trying to make this site all news and nothing else. So that’s one thing I will be working on. The other thing is I wasn’t writing about things I didn’t find cool, but what I need to do is still cover those things just don’t worry about getting full details like I did for products or services I thought were real cool or wanted.

So what’s going to happen, in January I will start going to University for Computer Science (don’t waste your money like I did with ITT-Tech schools don’t transfer your credits and employers don’t think its good enough) so my focus will be on doing well in my classes, but I hope I can pull myself back to daily posts on I plan on working to add more content starting this week and get things going again. Also on I hope I can use this as more of a place to put my experience of school and things. I have wanted also to do more tutorials like my popular Handbrake for Windows 64-bit article. Some other things of note are I have been reading up on how to use PHP again and coding in HTML, I kind of lost my love for things like that a number of years ago and just kind of lost the feeling of how you do things, but I will need to get that all back in my head because I at some point want to build out a recipe site I had once built but lost and also an Events listing website that I have prototype in Drupal but doesn’t work like I would like it to, so if I can get to it that is a long-term project I will work on.

I think this post is me telling myself I need to get things going again and I can do it. With school coming it may make things harder but I have the opportunity to go to school, build my websites, take care of my kids, and learn new things. If only I could monetize this all better things would be a little nicer!

2011 New Year Already

So things here haven’t been up-to-date that much. With me getting colds and not liking how the podcast was turning out and the holidays the site was kind of neglected. But I think I have figured out how I want to do the podcast and should be coming out with a new show soon. As for the website, I am going to be posting more and try to post more of the new things I am learning. School for me has been going well but I think I need to read the books more because I think I am missing some of the information even though I know the answers to the questions they want answered.

So look out for more about what I am learning, podcasts on specific subjects not news, and I should be trying new stuff with servers and IT related subjects.

Something is technically wrong. Thanks for noticing – we’re going to fix it up and have things back to normal soon.

Something is technically wrong. Thanks for noticing — we’re going to fix it up and have things back to normal soon.

This is a post that brought me a lot of traffic to my website, and most of it went to Brazil. If you are looking for the Tweet its at this link, I think it was some time when Twitter was down or something.

Also if you want you can follow me on twitter I’m @webluke

Coming together 08/15/2010

Well it seems like the website is coming back together. I don’t have every thing setup just right yet and I haven’t gotten hardly any posts re-posted since Saturday was busy and Sunday was all about working though my collage classes. But I’ll get them all up and running and have things like categories setup for them to help with the Google juice.